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Clarice DuBois // photo by Michael Block |
Day: Tuesday, March 6th
Show: Clarice Explains It All
Location: ICON
Queens Seen: Clarice DuBois (@claricedubois), Nicole Onoscopi (@nicoleonoscopi)![]() |
Nicole Onoscopi // photo by Michael Block |
Each month at ICON, Clarice DuBois takes the stage for a variety show and her attempt to explain something. And this month, Clarice delivered on both accounts. The monthly variety show, Clarice Explains It All, is a celebration of the talent pool in New York City through the lens of a drag show. For her March show, Clarice welcomed emerging drag queen Nicole Onoscopi and comedian Cameron Jefts. Clarice, a self-proclaimed Broadway queen, dazzled the crowd with her tribute to Liza with "New York, New York" and "Journey to the Past," but it was her new French mix, which featured Mika, that had me tickled pink. Nicole made herself known to the crowd as she handed out business cards with her information to "Call Me Maybe" and then shocked and awed with her colonoscopy mix. Who doesn't love watching a drag queen try to fist themselves? Cameron decided to share with the audience what a potential live action Pokemon movie might look like as a created some hybrid celebrity pocket creatures. When it came down to the portion of the show where Clarice had to explain something, it was up to her to explain public transit. Perhaps her improv skills were in play but she sold us a story about the dreadful MTA that I think must people were buying.
Every month at ICON, Clarice DuBois explains it all. What "it" is? Well, you'll just have to show up and see! It's always a pleasure to see the variety of talent that NYC has to offer.